In compliance to the order passed by the Government of Jammu & Kashmir through the J&K State Paramedical & Nursing Council (GMC) Srinagar vide Order No : SPMC/MC/3466-71 ,dated 13/05/2016 , a cell has been constituted for redressal of grievances. Our women grievance cell shall stay alert all the time to prevent any abuse / harassment towards the female students and workers. If the students face any harassment from the staff or workers, then they can complain at our women grievance cell. The members will look into the issues, gather the evidence, and take the necessary action against the guilty. We also focus on preventing this kind of harassment by using secret monitory services, which keep a keen eye on the entire campus.

The functions of the cell are to purely safeguard the rights of female students, faculty and staff members of women and also to provide a platform for listening to complaints. The Cell also tries to incorporate hygiene habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in and around the college. It tries to equip them with the knowledge of their legal rights and redressal of their grievances. TO facilitate speedy delivery of justice, meetings are organized regularly. The congenial atmosphere of the college shall be maintained at all levels.

Objective of the Women's Grievance Redressal Cell :

  • The Cell will deal with the cases / complaints of any other type of harassment of the female students, teaching and non-teaching women staff of the college.
  • The Cell shall process all the individual complaints and take immediate suitable action.
  • The Cell shall process all the individual complaints and take immediate suitable action.
  • The Director of the college shall l be the Chairman of the Cell and may appoint members of the cell.
  • The Cell may form / review the guidelines / policy for redressal of the grievance as required from time to time, which may be in accordance with those issued by Supreme Court and Government Agencies.
  • To incorporate hygiene habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in and around the college.
  • To ensure personality along with academic development of students.

Grievance Procedure :

  • Any women employee or female student will have the right to lodge a complaint concerning harassment against a male student or the employee of the institute by writing a letter or putting the complaint in the Director's office.
  • The complaint will be afforded full confidentiality at this stage.
  • After receiving the complaint, the chairman shall convene the meeting of the cell.
  • The chairman will appoint investigation committee, Coordinator will convene the meetings.
  • The investigation committee shall then decide the course of action to proceed.
  • The complaint will stand dropped if in accordance to the committee the complaint has not been able to disclose prima-facie an offence of harassment by complainer /her representative.
  • In case the investigation committee decides to proceed with the complaint, the wishes of the complainer shall be ascertained and if the complainer wishes that a warning will suffice then alleged offender shall be called to the meeting of the committee, heard and if satisfied that a warning is just and proper, he will be warned about his behaviour and non-occurrence of it. In case the complainer requests that the complaint should be proceeded with beyond mere a warning, the same may be proceeded with in the manner prescribed hereafter.

Procedure for investigation:

  • After knowing grievance of students, class Representative (CR) discusses it with the Coordinator /secretary of the grievance cell and then an appropriate solution is found out. If not solved at this level then grievance is taken up to the Director of the college .
  • If the complainer wishes to proceed beyond a mere a warning to the accused, the accused shall be given in writing by the investigation committee an opportunity to explain within one week why he should not be, for good and sufficient reasons, be punished for the act of sexual harassment/abuse on his part.
  • If the written explanation of the accused is not found to be satisfactory or if he does not provide any written explanation, the investigation committee will decide whether the offence deserves a minor penalty or a major penalty.
  • In the event that the investigation committee deciding that the accused be imposed a minor penalty, the said penalty will be recommended by the investigation committee to the chairperson of the cell for final decision.
  • If the investigation committee comes to a conclusion that the accused in case if his guilt proved, should be imposed a major penalty, it shall make a recommendation of action. If the accused is an employee, he may be placed under suspension under the provisions of act.
  • If a person is charged with physical molestation or rape on college / society’s premises, he shall be immediately placed under suspension pending the completion of the investigation and enquiry. Appropriate actions can be initiated as per the laws of Indian penal code.

Punishment for harassment /abuse :

Any member of the institute fraternity (student/employee/outsider related to institute) found guilty of harassment /abuse shall be liable to be punished. This shall be subject to the same penalties for major or minor misconduct as prescribed under government/ university /council rules.

A student guilty of harassment shall be liable for any of the following penalties:

  • Warning or reprimand.
  • Suspension from college for a period of one month or termination from the college rolls with bad character certificate as the case may be , too be deemed fit at that situation .
  • Debarment from appearing for the examination for a period up to three years.
  • Rustication from the college as the case may be.
  • Any other punishment as defined by the government/ university/Nursing Council act.

Protection against Victimization:

The committee noted and approved the policy on Protection against Victimization of the Women's Grievance Redressal Cell as following :

  • In the event of the complainer being a student and the accused being a teacher, during the pendency of the investigation and inquiry and even after such an enquiry if the teacher is found to be guilty, the accused will not act as an examiner for any examination for which the student appears.
  • In the event the complainer and the accused both being employees, during the pendency of the investigation and enquiry even after such an enquiry if the accused is found to be guilty, the accused shall not write the condition reports of the complainer, if it is otherwise so authorized.

Members of the women grievance cell :

1 Mr Rather Gulzar Ahmad (Director) Chairman
2 Mr Rafiq Ahmad Reshi (HOD Anesthesia /OTT) Coordinator
3 Ms Roohi Jan (Accounts Officer) Secretary
4 Dr Bushra Manzoor (Lecturer) Member
5 Ms Rabia Rakhshan (Lecturer) Member
6 Ms Nisbaha Mohi Ud Din Member
7 CR of FMPHW Member
8 CR of GNM (Female Student ) Member


The hostel was set up to meet the accommodation demand of students from different far flung areas of the state or other states for qualities of education and training throughout their course of study by providing a clean, safe and healthy environment for all residents.

The hostel experience and enables the youngsters to encounter with many people whose backgrounds & cultures are different and diverse. It promotes the development of self confidence and skills that ultimately enable the students to raise and achieve their own aspirations in nursing and paramedical profession. Students in the hostel shall have harmonious relationship with each other, superiors and hostel workers. All shall ensure safe, healthy and happy stay without any disturbance. CAMPUS AND ATMOSPHERE The girls hostel is housed outside the college campus in a noise free area. The three storied building provides accommodation to 100 girls. The rooms are airy and specious.


# College Role Designation
1 Director of the College Chairman
2 HOD Anatomy & Physiology Member
3 Senior most staff member from teaching faculty Member
4 Admission I/C Officer. Member

The college management board shall have the all powers to

  • Take the disciplinary actions against the undisciplined fellows found in the college/hostel as reported by the hostel authorities
  • Selection of the hostel staff as per the proper procedure of staff selection.
  • Enhancement in the hostel charges when need arises.
  • Amendment in the rules & regulations when need arises .
  • Periodic inspections.


The following officials constitute the hostel staff which are recruited /selected by the board of the college under rules

  • Chief – Warden
  • Matron
  • Warden
  • Assistant Warden
  • Care-taker (selected from students )

The students should approach any of the above officers for help guidance and grievance redress.

Representations to higher authorities of the college management board must be forwarded through proper channel.


  • Should be a bonafide student of the institution.
  • Must be willing to obey all the rules and regulations of the hostel as prescribed from time to time
  • If the parents are residing out of the valley , a guardian should be nominated for emergency contact.
  • Application for admission to the hostel should be made in the prescribed form, which can be obtained from the college office on payment of Rs. 200/-
  • A responsible person parent / guardian who will comply with the formalities and procedures for admission must accompany the candidate.
  • No student will be allowed to stay in the hostel without formal admission.
  • Every student before admission to the hostel must give an undertaking in writing that he/she abide by the parent / guardian also in the attached declaration form.s

DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED - (At the time of hostel admission)

  • Completed application form
  • Three passport size photo(s) of the student and two of the parent.
  • Correspondence address of parents, Local Guardians and two contact telephone numbers
  • Photocopy of the hostel admission fees receipt

Hostel undertaking form duly signed by student and parent


  • Allotment of rooms may not necessarily be one’s choice. It is at the sole discretion of the administration, which may allot the rooms either on first come first serve basis or any other basis, say academic background etc.
  • Sharing accommodation will be provided to the students. Any inconvenience / requirement shall be reported to the warden.
  • The students shall be provided with room furnishing , curtains ,water bottles , lockers ,telephone intercoms , brooms , room dustbins .The other requirements shall be brought by the students. F
  • Management intentionally places students of varying academic, cultural, social, national background together so that cross cultural, social and rational learning is achieved. Students are expected to give full respect and equal right to their roommates, irrespective of their varying backgrounds.
  • Students must occupy the room allotted to them and should not exchange the rooms at their own will . However the hostel authorities can exchange the allotted rooms at any time without assigning any reason.


  • Hostellers are expected to display acceptable form of behavior, maintain discipline and decorum in the hostel complex.
  • All students are expected to be in the hostel immediately after the classes / clinical trainings and they are not allowed to go to others rooms. If any student wish to be away from the hostel during the weekend, holidays or any other time he / she must take prior permission from the concerned college authority under the approval of the Director.
  • Students shall strictly report to the hostel within the allotted time. Students not returning within the time allotted or reported /returned late will be considered as misconduct and viewed seriously.
  • Students should cooperate in carrying out maintenance work and vacate their rooms completely when the hostel management requires the rooms for this purpose.

All the residents should sign the completed inventory form of their room.

  • In case of damage to or loss of hostel property the cost will be recovered from the students responsible, if identified or from all the students of the hostel as decided by the hostel management.
  • Pasting of posters, writings, wall chalking slogans of any kind or defacing the hostel in any form is not allowed
  • The residents shall not move any furniture / fittings from its proper allotted place.
  • Smoking, use of tobacco, gutka, panmasala, alcohol and drugs etc. shall not be permitted in the entire campus. Any student violating these norms shall be referred to the college management board for necessary action
  • All the students are expected to be properly dressed before moving out from the hostel premises, decent and dignified dress will reflect your personality.
  • Residents are advised in their own interest not to keep money or other valuable in their rooms. If they keep the hostel authorities do not hold themselves responsible for any loss of private property belonging to residents.
  • Parents shall directly send a letter / fax / e-mail to the Director for permission to take the students for any important functions / emergency.
  • No one other than parents and authorized local guardian is allowed to see the students in the hostel, students shall not be allowed to take their student friends to meet their parents, parents are not permitted to go to the student’s room.
  • Using cell phones and other electronic instruments are prohibited if they found using, students will be fined of Rs. 500/- if they find using second time, it will be taken and will not be returned until student finish the course.


  • Hostellers are responsible for keeping their rooms and the common areas in the hostel clean and tidy at all times.
  • Students shall maintain personal and environmental hygiene.
  • All fans and lights must be switched off when the residents are not in the room / respective area. A penalty will be imposed for failure to comply.

Use of rice cookers ,heaters ,blowers ,electric blankets ,kerosene stoves shall not be permitted at all .

  • The hostel management reserves the right to make spot checks in the hostel units without prior notice to the students.
  • Maintenance staff may enter rooms when necessary in the course of Maintenance staff may enter rooms when necessary in the course of
  • Common hostel furniture must not be moved without the permission of the concerned authority.
  • Attendance shall be closely monitored every day morning and evening. The action will be taken on absentees.
  • Hostellers are directed to sign with timings in the outgoing register while leaving and returning the hostel.


Parents are allowed only in to the visiting area of the hostel during the visiting hours as follows:

  • Every 2nd and 4th Saturday between 4 PM to 5 PM
  • Every 2nd and 4th Sunday 10 AM to 1 PM
  • No visiting hour is permitted during the working hours.
  • All the parents and guardians must make necessary entries in the visitors book available at the hostel entrance with the warden / matron.
  • Non hostel students are prohibited in the hostel and shall never be allowed to visit the hostel.


  • Subject to the availability of the rooms, parent accommodation can be arranged on payment for parents out side the hostel for short stay with prior intimation to the office.
  • Any damage caused to the institution property by parents/guardians shall be recovered from the concerned individual.


  • Hostellers are required to pay their accommodation fee in advance.
  • The fee is paid on yearly basis. The institution reserves the right to increase the accommodation fees at any time if the situation so warrants.


Hostellers can not terminate the hostel tenancy during the prescribed

All the female students are required to wear the prescribed uniform during the theoretical/practical training classes. No student without the prescribed uniform would be allowed to enter in the college.The students are equipped to properly for all classes to ensure a regular hygienic standards and identity. The apron will be supplied by the college with insignia/monogram of Phoenix Paramedical College. The necessary items would be provided by the college in the form of a kit on demand against payment. The uniform code for winter & summer is indicated as :


The girls has to wear white shalwar with frock blue based running white strips Horizontal .The duptta should be white plain. The girls has also to wear white apron.


The girls should wear warm blue uniform along the college coat.

All the students are required to wear the prescribed uniform during the theoretical/practical training classes. No student without the prescribed uniform would be allowed to enter in the college. The students are equipped to properly for all classes to ensure a regular hygienic standards and identity. The apron will be supplied by the college with insignia/monogram of Phoenix Paramedical College. The necessary items would be provided by the college in the form of a kit on demand against payment. The uniform code for winter & summer is indicated as :


The boys should wear black pent having white straps vertically with grey blue shirt with neck tie red based running white strips across. The shoes wearing on should be black .The WHITE APRON should be always put on during the college working hours ( from arrival to departure) with college I-card hanging.


The boys should wear black pent having white straps vertically with Grey blue shirt along with the black sweeter. The neck tie Should be always on. The boys can wear the black college coat in case of more chilly days.

On admission to any course of study, every student submits himself/herself to disciplinary jurisdiction of the MD of the college, the Incharge and other officers of the college who may be vested with the authority to exercise discipline under SMF/NCI/act and ordinance, Rules and Regulations that have been or will be framed by the College.

  • The students are advised to keep themselves aware of the college rules. They are also advised to go through detailed Hostel rules and Prevention of Ragging rules given separately. Ignorance of rules shall not be an excuse for violation.
  • Each student shall conduct herself/himself, both within and outside the campus of the college in a manner befitting a student of a prestigious college. Each student shall show due respect and courtesy to the teachers, administrators, staff of the college, and to the visitors and residents of the college, and good behavior to fellow students.
  • Lack of courtesy and decorum; unbecoming conduct within and outside the college; willful damage to college property, removal of any property belonging to the college, fellow students or other personnel and residents of the college; use of abusive and offensive language: disturbing fellow students in their studies; breach of rules and regulations of the Institute; adoption of unfair practices in tests, quizzes, assignments, or examinations; noisy and unruly behavior shall constitute violation of the code of conduct.
  • Loud talking, loitering or congregating, being a source of distraction and annoyance to others is not permitted.
  • Students are required to be dressed neatly and decently as per the college’s prescribed uniform code. The white apron should be put on during the theory/practical classes.
  • Use of cell phones is strictly prohibited in all academic /administrative areas of the campus. Use of cell phones would entail confiscation of the handset. It would be returned only: (a) At the end of the course or, (b) After payment of a fine of Rs. 2,000/
  • Late arrival and early departure at or from a class are recorded as absence from the class. Students are not allowed to leave the institute during working hours without the written permission of the Principal.
  • Students will not operate any machinery / equipment without the permission of the instructor.
  • No responsibility will be accepted by the college for any injury, loss or damage to the personal articles of students.
  • The students at the college require attention and diligence. A student neglecting his / her studies and having unsatisfactory progress will be given two warnings after which if he/ she fails to improve, he/she will be liable for expulsion from the college.
  • It is compulsory for the students to attend functions /activities organized by the college on various occasions like Independence Day, Republic Day, Annual Day, medical camps, tours etc whether the function falls on a working day or on holidays. Absence from such functions without valid reasons will invite disciplinary action.
  • Students shall observe all safety precautions. The college is not responsible for any accident, of whatever nature, in the college, hostel, workshop, play ground and during summer training and hospital training or educational tour/trip.
  • Students are prohibited to take part in ragging, political activity or any activity which is detrimental to the dignity of the college. Any student found violating the rule or bringing disrepute to the college will be expelled from the college.
  • The students will compensate damage to college/ hostel property/furniture caused by neglect or willful damage. Defacing the walls or college property will be viewed seriously.
  • Students must make all possible efforts to conserve electricity and water. They must switch off lights & fans when they leave the class room/ hostel room, lab etc. Students must help keep the institute neat and clean and also preserve and maintain the gardens.
  • Students must pay their fee/dues on or before the prescribed deadline failing which appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Students may note that fees once paid will not be refunded/ adjusted. If a student leaves the course before completion, he/she will be required to pay the fee for the entire course.
  • Students must keep their identity cards always with them and shall show the same on demand by any faculty/official of the institute.
  • Candidates have to fulfill the minimum attendance requirements as per NCI/SMF/UGC norms in relevance to the course . No students will absent himself/herself from any of the lectures without leave for one day having been obtained previously from the Class Incharge and that too for sufficient cause and if he/she is irregular in attendance, or fails to show progress or is not diligent in studies, his /her name is liable to be struck off from the rolls of the college. In case of a candidate who joined late owing to late declaration of result or who sought admission provisionally till declaration of the lower examination, the lecture requirements will be calculated as per academic rules and provisions. Students claiming benefits/ concessions on medical grounds are required to submit medical certificate from a govt. hospital under the seal and signature of a B- grade medical officer and that to for 14 days only.. The certificate should be submitted by student concerned within a week of rejoining the college after illness. However in such cases there will not be any relaxation in the minimum attendance requirement to appear in the SMF/Board/university semester examination.
  • Any student found smoking or under the influence of intoxication of alcohol/drugs in the college or in the Hostel is liable to strict disciplinary action which may be up to expulsion from the college.
  • The name of the student who fails to submit the Smf/university examination form for the semester in which he/she is studying without the approval of the Director-Principal shall be removed from the college rolls.
  • The students are advised to see regularly the notices displayed on the college/hostel notice boards. The notice displayed on these notice boards shall be deemed to have been served on the students.
  • Any student who fails to clear all the dues shall be debarred from appearing in semester examination.
  • All applications must be addressed to the Principal ,after which they will be forwarded to the MD for necessary actions/directions.
  • The M- Director reserves the right to modify any of the Institute rules as and when necessary. The decision of the Director in all matters shall be final.

Phoenix’s library contains a rich source of books and journals. It is central to students' learning and hence its resources must be protected to ensure its continual availability to the whole College community.

All library users, students, , faculty members, and staff alike, are required to abide by the Library Rules & Regulations:

By your entering the library premise, it is taken to imply that you understand and are agreeable to abide by all the Library Rules and Regulations.

Rules & Regulations

1. Entry into the Library:

  • Every borrower has to deposit Rs 500/ as library security refundable fund.
  • Only lecturers , staff, demonstrators, tutors and students, of Phoenix College are allowed entry into the Library. (Outsiders are not allowed into the Library)
  • Students must deposit their Student ID card with the Librarian.
  • Students with no Student ID cards are not allowed to enter.
  • No bags (except your money purse or lady handbag) are allowed in the library. Leave your bags in the provided racks outside the library.
  • The Librarian is not accountable for any missing items from a student's bag.
  • No one having the privilege of using the library shall transfer books from one to another or lend them to students or persons not connected with the college.
  • Improper use of books such as underlining, writing notes tracing pictures etc. is strictly forbidden.
  • No book from library shall in any circumstances be taken into the dissection room/ laboratories.
  • The librarian shall examine every book when returned and verify as to its condition. Any damage should be brought to the notice of the CMD.
  • The librarian shall maintain the necessary register showing details of issues and returns of books.
  • The Xerox facilities in the library can be availed by paying an amount of Rs 2/= per page.

2. Exit from the Library:

  • The Librarian will perform a check of all materials to be taken out. This includes your purse or lady handbag, files, folders, books, notebooks etc.
  • The librarian reserves the right to perform a body search, if necessary.
  • Student ID card will be returned after the check.
  • If you do not like your materials to be checked, then do not bring it into the Library.

3. Books from the Open-Shelf Section (can be taken out):

  • All active students are allowed to borrow a maximum of one (1) book at a time for a duration of 7 days (including weekends, college holidays, hartals, etc). However, students who have completed at least 30 credits are eligible to borrow up to two (2) books at a time.
  • Renewal of a book loan is allowed only if there is no reservation by another student or college member.
  • Reservation of books can be made with the Librarian. The Librarian will inform you once the item is available in the library.
  • A penalty of 5 rupees per day will be levied on overdue books. Overdue books must be returned within seven (7) days (inclusive of weekend or public holidays) after the due date. If the book is still not returned after the grace period, the student will be barred from using the library facilities until the book has been returned, and the dues paid for.
  • Items that are not returned within two (2) weeks of the date due are presumed lost. The library will initiate to acquire a new book of the same type and value that the student has to pay. (Refer to Item 9 Replacement for Damaged or Lost Items below for details.)

4. Books from the Red-Spot (marked with a Red-Dot) and Reference (marked with REF) sections (Not be taken out):

  • Students are allowed to borrow only one (1) Red-Spot book at a time for a maximum time of ONE (1) hour and should use within the reading room.
  • A penalty of 2 rupees per 10 minutes will be levied on all overdue books.
  • Renewal of a book is allowed only if there is no reservation by another student.
  • Reservation of books can be made with the Librarian up to one day in advance.
  • Only one (1) reservation at a time is allowed per student.

5. Periodicals, journals, magazines, and newspapers can only be read in the Library. These are non-circulating items.

6. Book loans by Faculty and Adjunct staff:

7. Items Recall:

  • The College reserves the rights to recall an item, whether it be books, journals, etc. any time when needed.
  • When the item is being recalled, the borrower has to return the item within two (2) working days. The borrower who fails to do so will forfeit the right to use the library, until the item is returned along with the fixed fine ranging from Rs 200/ to 500/.

8. Replacement for Damaged or Lost Items:

  • If the books that you borrow are torn or soiled or mutilated in any manners, the borrower has to reimburse the College with a new book of the same type and value along with the penalty of Rs 200/
  • Items that are not returned within 2 weeks of the date due are presumed lost and the borrower have to reimburse the College with a new book of the same type and value along with the penalty.
  • Borrowers forfeit the right to borrow until the book has been replaced, and/or the requisite library deposit has been topped up. In addition, their academic results will be withheld.
  • Replacement by Library
  • The library will issue a notice to cover the replacement cost (including fines already incurred up to the date on which the item was reported lost). Patrons are responsible for the processing fee charge of Rs 200 in addition to the cost of replacement item.
  • The cost of replacing the lost item(s) will be based on the current market price plus all the ancillary charges incurred, such as courier charge, packaging cost, bank charge etc. In this case, the College may use the borrower's library deposit to purchase this book, and the borrower will then have to top up the requisite library deposit. The rights of the borrower for using the library facilities will only be restored after the person has top up the deposit.
  • Replacement by Patrons
  • Upon reporting the item lost, if the patrons intend to source the replacement for the item by themselves, they will need to notify the library, by writing, within a week about the sourcing. If the items can be sourced from the local market, patrons will need to replace the book within 5 days from the date the patron reported it lost. If the item are ordered from overseas or out of stock within the country, the procedure will take place same as ordering new book, which takes up to one month. Failure to fulfill the replacement within the period, Library will imposes the Replacement by Library's procedure above. All the fines must be pay for.
  • Upon replacement, borrower may keep the old / torn copy after cancellation of the item by the Librarian.

9. Cancellation of Borrowing Privileges:

Borrowing privileges will be cancelled if a borrower uses them irresponsibly (e.g., by lending a library card to another individual, by damaging books, by failing to replace a lost item, by failing to pay fines, or by failing to top up the requisite deposit). In this situation, borrowers are also barred from using all the Library facilities.

10. Conduct in Library:

  • General principle: maintain quietness.
  • Reading room separate is designated as study area. Hence, quietness must be maintained at all time.
  • Reading room separate is designated as study area. Hence, quietness must be maintained at all time.
  • Students cannot hoard/book a table or cubicle by putting his/her personal belongings there. If the table or cubicle is vacant for 30 minutes, other student has the right to use that particular table/cubicle.
  • No food or drink are allowed.

Phoenix Para Medical College I hereby extend a warm invitation on behalf of ‘Phoenix Para Medical College Pulwama” to the students who have passed the exam of matric or twelfth or being graduate to join our prestigious college and become a good Para Medico.